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#![warn(clippy::all)] #![warn(rust_2018_idioms)] mod subcommand; use std::sync::Arc; use std::{env, path, process}; use arret_compiler::{find_arret_root, CompileCtx, FindArretRootError}; const ARRET_FILE_EXTENSION: &str = ".arret"; fn input_arg_to_source_file( source_loader: &arret_compiler::SourceLoader, input_param: &str, ) -> arret_compiler::SourceFile { if input_param == "-" { use std::io::prelude::*; let mut input_string = String::new(); std::io::stdin().read_to_string(&mut input_string).unwrap(); source_loader.load_string("<stdin>".into(), input_string) } else { let input_path = path::Path::new(input_param); source_loader .load_path(input_path) .expect("Unable to read input file") } } fn main() { use arret_compiler::initialise_llvm; use clap::{crate_version, App, AppSettings, Arg, SubCommand}; let matches = App::new("arret") .version(crate_version!()) .setting(AppSettings::SubcommandRequiredElseHelp) .about("Compiler and REPL for the Arret language") .arg( Arg::with_name("NOOPT") .long("no-llvm-opt") .takes_value(false) .help("Disables LLVM optimisation"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("ARRET_ROOT") .long("arret-root") .takes_value(true) .help("Path to the root of a built `etaoins/arret` repository"), ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("compile") .about("Compiles an Arret program to a standalone binary") .arg( Arg::with_name("INPUT") .required(true) .help("Input source file") .index(1), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("OUTPUT") .short("o") .value_name("FILE") .help("Output filename") .long_help( "Output filename.\n\ Four special extensions are recognised to output intermediate formats:\n\ \n\ `.mir` will output a text representation of Arret's internal middle IR\n\ `.ll` will output LLVM IR\n\ `.s` will output assembler for the target architecture\n\ `.o` will output an unlinked object file" ), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("DEBUG") .short("g") .long("debug-info") .help("Generates debugging information"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("TARGET") .long("target") .value_name("TRIPLE") .help("Generates code for the given target"), ), ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("eval") .about("Evaluates an Arret program once") .arg( Arg::with_name("INPUT") .required(true) .help("Input source file") .index(1), ), ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("repl") .about("Starts an interactive REPL") .arg( Arg::with_name("INCLUDE") .short("i") .long("include") .value_name("FILE") .help("Preloads a file before starting REPL"), ), ) .get_matches(); let arret_root_dir = match find_arret_root(matches.value_of("ARRET_ROOT")) { Ok(arret_root) => arret_root, Err(FindArretRootError::InvalidOption(invalid_option)) => { eprintln!( "`{}` specified by the `--arret-root` option is not an Arret root directory", invalid_option.invalid_path().to_string_lossy(), ); process::exit(1); } Err(FindArretRootError::InvalidEnvVar(invalid_env_var)) => { eprintln!( "`{}` specified by the `{}` environment variable is not an Arret root directory", invalid_env_var.invalid_path().to_string_lossy(), invalid_env_var.env_var_name(), ); process::exit(1); } Err(FindArretRootError::NotFound) => { eprintln!("Unable to find the Arret root directory"); eprintln!("Either specify the `--arret-root` option or set the `ARRET_ROOT` environment variable"); process::exit(1); } }; let enable_optimisations = !matches.is_present("NOOPT"); if let Some(compile_matches) = matches.subcommand_matches("compile") { let package_paths = arret_compiler::PackagePaths::with_stdlib( &arret_root_dir, compile_matches.value_of("TARGET"), ); let ccx = CompileCtx::new(package_paths, enable_optimisations); let input_arg = compile_matches.value_of("INPUT").unwrap(); let input_file = input_arg_to_source_file(ccx.source_loader(), input_arg); let output_path = path::Path::new( if let Some(output_param) = compile_matches.value_of("OUTPUT") { output_param } else if input_arg.ends_with(ARRET_FILE_EXTENSION) { &input_arg[0..input_arg.len() - ARRET_FILE_EXTENSION.len()] } else { panic!( "Can't determine output filename from input arg `{}`", input_arg ); }, ); let debug_info = compile_matches.is_present("DEBUG"); let target_triple = compile_matches.value_of("TARGET"); initialise_llvm(target_triple.is_some()); if !subcommand::compile::compile_input_file( &ccx, &input_file, target_triple, output_path, debug_info, ) { process::exit(2); } } else if let Some(repl_matches) = matches.subcommand_matches("repl") { let package_paths = arret_compiler::PackagePaths::with_stdlib(&arret_root_dir, None); let ccx = Arc::new(CompileCtx::new(package_paths, enable_optimisations)); initialise_llvm(false); let include_path = repl_matches .value_of("INCLUDE") .map(|include_param| path::Path::new(include_param).to_owned()); subcommand::repl::interactive_loop(ccx, include_path); } else if let Some(eval_matches) = matches.subcommand_matches("eval") { let package_paths = arret_compiler::PackagePaths::with_stdlib(&arret_root_dir, None); let ccx = CompileCtx::new(package_paths, enable_optimisations); let input_param = eval_matches.value_of("INPUT").unwrap(); let input_file = input_arg_to_source_file(ccx.source_loader(), input_param); initialise_llvm(false); if !subcommand::eval::eval_input_file(&ccx, &input_file) { process::exit(2); } } else { eprintln!("Sub-command not specified"); process::exit(1); } }