use crate::datum::Datum;
use crate::error::{Error, ErrorKind, Result, WithinContext};
use crate::span::{ByteIndex, FileId, Span};
pub fn data_from_str_with_span_offset(
file_id: Option<FileId>,
s: &str,
span_offset: ByteIndex,
) -> Result<Vec<Datum>> {
Parser::from_str(file_id, s, span_offset).parse_data()
pub fn data_from_str(file_id: Option<FileId>, s: &str) -> Result<Vec<Datum>> {
data_from_str_with_span_offset(file_id, s, 0)
pub fn datum_from_str_with_span_offset(
file_id: Option<FileId>,
s: &str,
span_offset: ByteIndex,
) -> Result<Datum> {
Parser::from_str(file_id, s, span_offset).parse_datum()
pub fn datum_from_str(file_id: Option<FileId>, s: &str) -> Result<Datum> {
datum_from_str_with_span_offset(file_id, s, 0)
fn is_whitespace(c: char) -> bool {
matches!(c, ',' | ' ' | '\n' | '\t' | '\r')
pub fn is_identifier_char(c: char) -> bool {
'A'..='Z' | 'a'..='z' | '0'..='9' |
'.' | '*' | '+' | '!' | '-' | '_' | '?' | '$' | '%' | '&' | '=' | '<' | '>' | ':' |
'#' |
pub struct Parser<'input> {
file_id: Option<FileId>,
input: &'input str,
consumed_bytes: ByteIndex,
impl<'input> Parser<'input> {
fn from_str(file_id: Option<FileId>, input: &'input str, span_offset: ByteIndex) -> Self {
Parser {
consumed_bytes: span_offset,
fn eof_err(&self, within: WithinContext) -> Error {
let eof_pos = self.consumed_bytes + (self.input.len() as ByteIndex);
Span::new(self.file_id, eof_pos, eof_pos),
fn peek_char(&mut self, within: WithinContext) -> Result<char> {
.ok_or_else(|| self.eof_err(within))
fn peek_nth_char(&mut self, i: usize, within: WithinContext) -> Result<char> {
.ok_or_else(|| self.eof_err(within))
fn eat_bytes(&mut self, count: usize) {
self.input = &self.input[count..];
self.consumed_bytes += count as ByteIndex;
fn consume_char(&mut self, within: WithinContext) -> Result<char> {
let mut char_indices = self.input.char_indices();
match {
Some((_, c)) => {
let next_index = char_indices
.map(|t| t.0)
.unwrap_or_else(|| self.input.len());
None => Err(self.eof_err(within)),
fn skip_until_non_whitespace(&mut self, within: WithinContext) -> Result<char> {
loop {
match self.peek_char(within)? {
';' => {
self.consume_until(|c| c == '\n');
'#' => {
match self.peek_nth_char(1, within) {
Ok('_') => {
_ => {
break Ok('#');
other => {
break Ok(other);
fn consume_until<T>(&mut self, predicate: T) -> (Span, &str)
T: FnMut(char) -> bool,
let start = self.consumed_bytes;
let last_index = self
.unwrap_or_else(|| self.input.len());
let (consumed, remaining_input) = self.input.split_at(last_index);
self.input = remaining_input;
self.consumed_bytes += last_index as ByteIndex;
Span::new(self.file_id, start, self.consumed_bytes),
fn consume_while<T>(&mut self, mut predicate: T) -> (Span, &str)
T: FnMut(char) -> bool,
self.consume_until(|c| !predicate(c))
fn capture_span<F, R>(&mut self, block: F) -> (Span, R)
F: FnOnce(&mut Parser<'_>) -> R,
let start = self.consumed_bytes;
let result = block(self);
let end = self.consumed_bytes;
(Span::new(self.file_id, start, end), result)
fn parse_num(&mut self) -> Result<Datum> {
enum State {
let mut state: State = State::Sign;
let (span, digits) = self.consume_while(|c| match state {
State::Sign => match c {
'+' | '-' | '0'..='9' => {
state = State::Whole;
_ => false,
State::Whole => match c {
'.' => {
state = State::Fractional;
'0'..='9' => true,
_ => false,
State::Fractional => matches!(c, '0'..='9'),
match state {
State::Sign => Err(Error::new(span, ErrorKind::InvalidFloat)),
State::Whole => digits
.map_err(|_| Error::new(span, ErrorKind::IntegerOverflow))
.map(|i| Datum::Int(span, i)),
State::Fractional => digits
.map_err(|_| Error::new(span, ErrorKind::InvalidFloat))
.map(|f| Datum::Float(span, f)),
fn parse_symbolic_float(&mut self) -> Result<Datum> {
let (span, symbolic_name) = self.consume_while(is_identifier_char);
let float_value = match symbolic_name {
"#NaN" => std::f64::NAN,
"#Inf" => std::f64::INFINITY,
"#-Inf" => std::f64::NEG_INFINITY,
_ => {
return Err(Error::new(span, ErrorKind::UnsupportedDispatch));
Span::new(self.file_id, span.start() - 1, span.end()),
fn parse_signed_num_or_symbol(&mut self) -> Result<Datum> {
match self.peek_nth_char(1, WithinContext::Identifier) {
Ok(digit) if digit.is_ascii_digit() => self.parse_num(),
| Err(Error {
kind: ErrorKind::Eof(_),
}) => self.parse_identifier(WithinContext::Identifier),
Err(other) => Err(other),
fn parse_char(&mut self) -> Result<Datum> {
let (span, c) = self.capture_span(|s| {
let (span, char_name) =
s.consume_until(|c| c == ')' || c == ']' || c == '}' || is_whitespace(c));
let mut char_name_chars = char_name.chars();
if let Some(first_char) = {
if {
return Ok(first_char);
if first_char == 'u' {
let hex_string = &char_name[1..];
let code_point = u32::from_str_radix(hex_string, 16)
.map_err(|_| Error::new(span, ErrorKind::UnsupportedChar))?;
return std::char::from_u32(code_point)
.ok_or_else(|| Error::new(span, ErrorKind::InvalidCodePoint));
match char_name {
"newline" => Ok('\n'),
"return" => Ok('\r'),
"space" => Ok(' '),
"tab" => Ok('\t'),
_ => Err(Error::new(span, ErrorKind::UnsupportedChar)),
});|c| Datum::Char(span, c))
fn parse_dispatch(&mut self) -> Result<Datum> {
match self.peek_char(WithinContext::Dispatch)? {
'{' => self.parse_set(),
'(' => self.parse_anon_fun(),
'#' => self.parse_symbolic_float(),
_ => {
let (span, _) = self.capture_span(|s| s.consume_char(WithinContext::Dispatch));
Span::new(self.file_id, span.start() - 1, span.end()),
fn parse_seq<F>(&mut self, terminator: char, make_ec: F) -> Result<Vec<Datum>>
F: FnOnce(Span) -> WithinContext,
let (open_bracket_span, _) = self.capture_span(|s| {
let ec = make_ec(open_bracket_span);
let mut content = Vec::new();
loop {
let next_char = self.skip_until_non_whitespace(ec)?;
if next_char == terminator {
break Ok(content);
} else {
content.push(self.parse_datum_starting_with(next_char, ec)?);
fn parse_list(&mut self) -> Result<Datum> {
let (outer_span, contents) = self.capture_span(|s| s.parse_seq(')', WithinContext::List));|contents| Datum::List(outer_span, contents.into()))
fn parse_vector(&mut self) -> Result<Datum> {
let (outer_span, contents) = self.capture_span(|s| s.parse_seq(']', WithinContext::Vector));|contents| Datum::Vector(outer_span, contents.into()))
fn parse_map(&mut self) -> Result<Datum> {
let (span, unpaired_contents) = self.capture_span(|s| s.parse_seq('}', WithinContext::Map));
let unpaired_contents = unpaired_contents?;
if unpaired_contents.len() % 2 == 1 {
return Err(Error::new(span, ErrorKind::UnevenMap));
let mut paired_contents = Vec::with_capacity(unpaired_contents.len() / 2);
let mut unpaired_contents_iter = unpaired_contents.into_iter();
while let Some(key) = {
let value =;
paired_contents.push((key, value));
Ok(Datum::Map(span, paired_contents.into_boxed_slice()))
fn parse_set(&mut self) -> Result<Datum> {
let (outer_span, contents) = self.capture_span(|s| s.parse_seq('}', WithinContext::Set));|contents| {
Span::new(self.file_id, outer_span.start() - 1, outer_span.end()),
fn parse_anon_fun(&mut self) -> Result<Datum> {
use crate::anon_fun::convert_anon_fun;
let (outer_span, body_contents) =
self.capture_span(|s| s.parse_seq(')', WithinContext::List));
let body_contents = body_contents?;
Span::new(self.file_id, outer_span.start() - 1, outer_span.end()),
fn parse_quote_escape(&mut self) -> Result<char> {
let escape_start = self.consumed_bytes as ByteIndex;
match self.consume_char(WithinContext::QuoteEscape)? {
't' => Ok('\t'),
'r' => Ok('\r'),
'n' => Ok('\n'),
'\\' => Ok('\\'),
'"' => Ok('"'),
'x' => {
let (span, hex_string) = self.consume_until(|c| c == ';');
let code_point = u32::from_str_radix(hex_string, 16);
let code_point =
code_point.map_err(|_| Error::new(span, ErrorKind::UnsupportedChar))?;
if self.consume_char(WithinContext::CodePoint)? != ';' {
return Err(Error::new(span, ErrorKind::UnsupportedChar));
.ok_or_else(|| Error::new(span, ErrorKind::InvalidCodePoint))
_ => Err(Error::new(
Span::new(self.file_id, escape_start, self.consumed_bytes),
fn parse_string(&mut self) -> Result<Datum> {
let (span, contents) = self.capture_span(|s| {
let (open_quote_span, _) = s.capture_span(|s| {
let mut contents = String::new();
loop {
let (_, unescaped_contents) = s.consume_until(|c| c == '"' || c == '\\');
match s.consume_char(WithinContext::String(open_quote_span))? {
'"' => {
return Ok(contents);
'\\' => contents.push(s.parse_quote_escape()?),
_ => {
unreachable!("Shouldn't be here");
});|contents| Datum::Str(span, contents.into()))
fn parse_identifier(&mut self, within: WithinContext) -> Result<Datum> {
let (span, content) = self.consume_while(is_identifier_char);
if content.is_empty() {
let (span, next_char) = self.capture_span(|s| s.consume_char(within));
return Err(Error::new(
ErrorKind::UnexpectedChar(next_char?, within),
match content {
"true" => Ok(Datum::Bool(span, true)),
"false" => Ok(Datum::Bool(span, false)),
_ => Ok(Datum::Sym(span, content.into())),
fn parse_symbol_shorthand(&mut self, expansion: &str) -> Result<Datum> {
let (outer_span, (shorthand_span, quoted_datum)) = self.capture_span(|s| {
let (shorthand_span, _) = s.capture_span(|s| {
(shorthand_span, s.parse_datum())
});|quoted_datum| {
Box::new([Datum::Sym(shorthand_span, expansion.into()), quoted_datum]),
fn parse_datum_starting_with(&mut self, c: char, within: WithinContext) -> Result<Datum> {
match c {
'(' => self.parse_list(),
'[' => self.parse_vector(),
'{' => self.parse_map(),
'0'..='9' => self.parse_num(),
'-' | '+' => self.parse_signed_num_or_symbol(),
'\'' => self.parse_symbol_shorthand("quote"),
'"' => self.parse_string(),
'\\' => self.parse_char(),
'#' => self.parse_dispatch(),
_ => self.parse_identifier(within),
fn parse_datum(&mut self) -> Result<Datum> {
let ec = WithinContext::Datum;
let start_char = self.skip_until_non_whitespace(ec)?;
self.parse_datum_starting_with(start_char, ec)
fn parse_data(&mut self) -> Result<Vec<Datum>> {
let mut datum_vec = Vec::new();
loop {
match self.parse_datum() {
Ok(datum) => {
Err(err) if err.kind() == &ErrorKind::Eof(WithinContext::Datum) => {
break Ok(datum_vec)
Err(err) => break Err(err),
mod test {
use super::*;
use crate::span::t2s;
fn whole_str_span(v: &str) -> Span {
Span::new(None, 0, v.len() as ByteIndex)
fn bool_datum() {
let j = "false";
let t = "^^^^^";
let expected = Datum::Bool(t2s(t), false);
assert_eq!(expected, datum_from_str(None, j).unwrap());
let j = "true";
let t = "^^^^";
let expected = Datum::Bool(t2s(t), true);
assert_eq!(expected, datum_from_str(None, j).unwrap());
let j = " false";
let t = " ^^^^^";
let expected = Datum::Bool(t2s(t), false);
assert_eq!(expected, datum_from_str(None, j).unwrap());
let j = "\ttrue\t";
let t = "\t^^^^\t";
let expected = Datum::Bool(t2s(t), true);
assert_eq!(expected, datum_from_str(None, j).unwrap());
let j = " trueorfalse ";
let t = " ^^^^^^^^^^^ ";
let expected = Datum::Sym(t2s(t), "trueorfalse".into());
assert_eq!(expected, datum_from_str(None, j).unwrap());
fn list_datum() {
let j = "() ; with a comment";
let t = "^^ ";
let expected = Datum::List(t2s(t), Box::new([]));
assert_eq!(expected, datum_from_str(None, j).unwrap());
let j = "( true false )";
let t = "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^";
let u = " ^^^^ ";
let v = " ^^^^^ ";
let expected = Datum::List(
Box::new([Datum::Bool(t2s(u), true), Datum::Bool(t2s(v), false)]),
assert_eq!(expected, datum_from_str(None, j).unwrap());
let j = "(1, 2, (3))";
let t = "^^^^^^^^^^^";
let u = " ^ ";
let v = " ^ ";
let w = " ^^^ ";
let x = " ^ ";
let expected = Datum::List(
Datum::Int(t2s(u), 1),
Datum::Int(t2s(v), 2),
Datum::List(t2s(w), Box::new([Datum::Int(t2s(x), 3)])),
assert_eq!(expected, datum_from_str(None, j).unwrap());
let j = "(true";
let t = " >";
let u = "^ ";
let err = Error::new(t2s(t), ErrorKind::Eof(WithinContext::List(t2s(u))));
assert_eq!(err, datum_from_str(None, j).unwrap_err());
let j = ")";
let t = "^";
let err = Error::new(t2s(t), ErrorKind::UnexpectedChar(')', WithinContext::Datum));
assert_eq!(err, datum_from_str(None, j).unwrap_err());
let j = "(]";
let t = "^ ";
let u = " ^";
let err = Error::new(
ErrorKind::UnexpectedChar(']', WithinContext::List(t2s(t))),
assert_eq!(err, datum_from_str(None, j).unwrap_err());
fn vector_datum() {
let j = " []";
let t = " ^^";
let expected = Datum::Vector(t2s(t), Box::new([]));
assert_eq!(expected, datum_from_str(None, j).unwrap());
let j = "[ true (true false) ]";
let t = "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^";
let u = " ^^^^ ";
let v = " ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ";
let w = " ^^^^ ";
let x = " ^^^^^ ";
let expected = Datum::Vector(
Datum::Bool(t2s(u), true),
Box::new([Datum::Bool(t2s(w), true), Datum::Bool(t2s(x), false)]),
assert_eq!(expected, datum_from_str(None, j).unwrap());
let j = "[true []";
let t = " >";
let u = "^ ";
let err = Error::new(t2s(t), ErrorKind::Eof(WithinContext::Vector(t2s(u))));
assert_eq!(err, datum_from_str(None, j).unwrap_err());
let j = "]";
let t = "^";
let err = Error::new(t2s(t), ErrorKind::UnexpectedChar(']', WithinContext::Datum));
assert_eq!(err, datum_from_str(None, j).unwrap_err());
fn symbol_datum() {
for &test_symbol in &[
] {
let s = whole_str_span(test_symbol);
let expected = Datum::Sym(s, test_symbol.into());
assert_eq!(expected, datum_from_str(None, test_symbol).unwrap());
fn keyword_symbol_datum() {
for &test_symbol in &[":HELLO", ":HELLO123", ":predicate?", ":mutate!"] {
let s = whole_str_span(test_symbol);
let expected = Datum::Sym(s, test_symbol.into());
assert_eq!(expected, datum_from_str(None, test_symbol).unwrap());
fn string_datum() {
let test_strings = [
(r#""""#, ""),
(r#""Hello, world!""#, "Hello, world!"),
(r#""Hello\"World""#, "Hello\"World"),
(r#""Hello\\World""#, "Hello\\World"),
(r#""Tab\t""#, "Tab\t"),
(r#""\nnewline""#, "\nnewline"),
(r#""carriage: \r""#, "carriage: \r"),
(r#""Space\x20;Bar""#, "Space Bar"),
(r#""l\x03BB;""#, "l\u{03bb}"),
(r#""\x0;null!""#, "\u{0000}null!"),
r#""The word \"recursion\" has many meanings.""#,
r#"The word "recursion" has many meanings."#,
for (test_string, expected_contents) in &test_strings {
let s = whole_str_span(test_string);
let expected = Datum::Str(s, (*expected_contents).into());
assert_eq!(expected, datum_from_str(None, test_string).unwrap());
let j = r#" "foo "#;
let t = r#" >"#;
let u = r#" ^ "#;
let err = Error::new(t2s(t), ErrorKind::Eof(WithinContext::String(t2s(u))));
assert_eq!(err, datum_from_str(None, j).unwrap_err());
let j = r#""\p""#;
let t = r#" ^ "#;
let err = Error::new(t2s(t), ErrorKind::UnsupportedStringEscape);
assert_eq!(err, datum_from_str(None, j).unwrap_err());
fn char_datum() {
let test_chars = [
("\\newline", '\u{0a}'),
("\\return", '\u{0d}'),
("\\space", '\u{20}'),
("\\tab", '\u{09}'),
("\\a", 'a'),
("\\A", 'A'),
("\\(", '('),
("\\☃", '\u{2603}'),
("\\u03BB", '\u{03bb}'),
for (j, expected_char) in &test_chars {
let s = whole_str_span(j);
let expected = Datum::Char(s, *expected_char);
assert_eq!(expected, datum_from_str(None, j).unwrap());
let j = r#"\SPACE"#;
let t = r#" ^^^^^"#;
let err = Error::new(t2s(t), ErrorKind::UnsupportedChar);
assert_eq!(err, datum_from_str(None, j).unwrap_err());
let j = r#"\u110000"#;
let t = r#" ^^^^^^^"#;
let err = Error::new(t2s(t), ErrorKind::InvalidCodePoint);
assert_eq!(err, datum_from_str(None, j).unwrap_err());
let j = r#"[\newline]"#;
let t = r#" ^^^^^^^^ "#;
let expected = Datum::Vector(whole_str_span(j), Box::new([Datum::Char(t2s(t), '\n')]));
assert_eq!(expected, datum_from_str(None, j).unwrap());
fn int_datum() {
let test_ints = [
("0", 0),
("000", 0),
("1000", 1000),
("+1000", 1000),
("-1000", -1000),
("9223372036854775807", 9223372036854775807),
("+9223372036854775807", 9223372036854775807),
("-9223372036854775808", -9223372036854775808),
for &(j, expected_int) in &test_ints {
let s = whole_str_span(j);
let expected = Datum::Int(s, expected_int);
assert_eq!(expected, datum_from_str(None, j).unwrap());
let j = "10223372036854775807";
let t = "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^";
let err = Error::new(t2s(t), ErrorKind::IntegerOverflow);
assert_eq!(err, datum_from_str(None, j).unwrap_err());
let j = "-10223372036854775807";
let t = "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^";
let err = Error::new(t2s(t), ErrorKind::IntegerOverflow);
assert_eq!(err, datum_from_str(None, j).unwrap_err());
let j = "4545894549584910223372036854775807";
let t = "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^";
let err = Error::new(t2s(t), ErrorKind::IntegerOverflow);
assert_eq!(err, datum_from_str(None, j).unwrap_err());
fn float_datum() {
let test_floats = [
("0.", 0.0),
("0.0", 0.0),
("000.000", 0.0),
("+16.", 16.0),
("+16.5", 16.5),
("+016.500", 16.5),
("-32.", -32.0),
("-32.25", -32.25),
("-032.2500", -32.25),
("##Inf", std::f64::INFINITY),
("##-Inf", std::f64::NEG_INFINITY),
for &(j, expected_float) in &test_floats {
let s = whole_str_span(j);
let expected = Datum::Float(s, expected_float);
assert_eq!(expected, datum_from_str(None, j).unwrap());
if let Datum::Float(_, f) = datum_from_str(None, "##NaN").unwrap() {
} else {
panic!("Expected ##NaN to parse as float");
fn map_datum() {
let j = "{}";
let t = "^^";
let expected = Datum::Map(t2s(t), Box::new([]));
assert_eq!(expected, datum_from_str(None, j).unwrap());
let j = "{ 1,2 ,, 3 4}";
let t = "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^";
let u = " ^ ";
let v = " ^ ";
let w = " ^ ";
let x = " ^ ";
let expected_contents = Box::new([
(Datum::Int(t2s(u), 1), Datum::Int(t2s(v), 2)),
(Datum::Int(t2s(w), 3), Datum::Int(t2s(x), 4)),
let expected = Datum::Map(t2s(t), expected_contents);
assert_eq!(expected, datum_from_str(None, j).unwrap());
let j = "{1 {2 3}}";
let t = "^^^^^^^^^";
let u = " ^ ";
let v = " ^^^^^ ";
let w = " ^ ";
let x = " ^ ";
let inner_contents = Box::new([(Datum::Int(t2s(w), 2), Datum::Int(t2s(x), 3))]);
let inner = Datum::Map(t2s(v), inner_contents);
let outer_contents = Box::new([(Datum::Int(t2s(u), 1), inner)]);
let expected = Datum::Map(t2s(t), outer_contents);
assert_eq!(expected, datum_from_str(None, j).unwrap());
let j = "{1}";
let t = "^^^";
let err = Error::new(t2s(t), ErrorKind::UnevenMap);
assert_eq!(err, datum_from_str(None, j).unwrap_err());
fn set_datum() {
let j = "#{}";
let t = "^^^";
let expected = Datum::Set(t2s(t), Box::new([]));
assert_eq!(expected, datum_from_str(None, j).unwrap());
let j = "#{ 1 2 3 4}";
let t = "^^^^^^^^^^^^";
let u = " ^ ";
let v = " ^ ";
let w = " ^ ";
let x = " ^ ";
let expected_contents = Box::new([
Datum::Int(t2s(u), 1),
Datum::Int(t2s(v), 2),
Datum::Int(t2s(w), 3),
Datum::Int(t2s(x), 4),
let expected = Datum::Set(t2s(t), expected_contents);
assert_eq!(expected, datum_from_str(None, j).unwrap());
let j = "#{1 #{2 3}}";
let t = "^^^^^^^^^^^";
let u = " ^ ";
let v = " ^^^^^^ ";
let w = " ^ ";
let x = " ^ ";
let inner_contents = Box::new([(Datum::Int(t2s(w), 2)), (Datum::Int(t2s(x), 3))]);
let inner = Datum::Set(t2s(v), inner_contents);
let outer_contents = Box::new([Datum::Int(t2s(u), 1), inner]);
let expected = Datum::Set(t2s(t), outer_contents);
assert_eq!(expected, datum_from_str(None, j).unwrap());
fn quote_shorthand() {
let j = "'foo";
let t = "^^^^";
let u = "^ ";
let v = " ^^^";
let expected = Datum::List(
Datum::Sym(t2s(u), "quote".into()),
Datum::Sym(t2s(v), "foo".into()),
assert_eq!(expected, datum_from_str(None, j).unwrap());
let j = "' (1 2 3)";
let t = "^^^^^^^^^";
let u = "^ ";
let v = " ^^^^^^^";
let w = " ^ ";
let x = " ^ ";
let y = " ^ ";
let expected = Datum::List(
Datum::Sym(t2s(u), "quote".into()),
Datum::Int(t2s(w), 1),
Datum::Int(t2s(x), 2),
Datum::Int(t2s(y), 3),
assert_eq!(expected, datum_from_str(None, j).unwrap());
let j = "'";
let t = ">";
let err = Error::new(t2s(t), ErrorKind::Eof(WithinContext::Datum));
assert_eq!(err, datum_from_str(None, j).unwrap_err());
fn unsupported_dispatch() {
let j = r#"#loop"#;
let t = r#"^^ "#;
let err = Error::new(t2s(t), ErrorKind::UnsupportedDispatch);
assert_eq!(err, datum_from_str(None, j).unwrap_err());
let j = "#";
let t = ">";
let err = Error::new(t2s(t), ErrorKind::Eof(WithinContext::Dispatch));
assert_eq!(err, datum_from_str(None, j).unwrap_err());
fn datum_comment() {
let j = "(Hello #_(you jerk))";
let t = "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^";
let u = " ^^^^^ ";
let expected = Datum::List(t2s(t), Box::new([Datum::Sym(t2s(u), "Hello".into())]));
assert_eq!(expected, datum_from_str(None, j).unwrap());
let j = "(Hello #_ you jerk)";
let t = "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^";
let u = " ^^^^^ ";
let v = " ^^^^ ";
let expected = Datum::List(
Datum::Sym(t2s(u), "Hello".into()),
Datum::Sym(t2s(v), "jerk".into()),
assert_eq!(expected, datum_from_str(None, j).unwrap());
fn multiple_data() {
let j = " 1 #_two 3 ";
let t = " ^ ";
let u = " ^ ";
let expected = vec![Datum::Int(t2s(t), 1), Datum::Int(t2s(u), 3)];
assert_eq!(expected, data_from_str(None, j).unwrap());
let j = "(true)))";
let t = " ^ ";
let err = Error::new(t2s(t), ErrorKind::UnexpectedChar(')', WithinContext::Datum));
assert_eq!(err, data_from_str(None, j).unwrap_err());
let j = "(true";
let t = " >";
let u = "^ ";
let err = Error::new(t2s(t), ErrorKind::Eof(WithinContext::List(t2s(u))));
assert_eq!(err, data_from_str(None, j).unwrap_err());