Crate arret_compiler[−][src]
repl |
libcstr | Builds a static NULL terminated |
new_counting_id_type | Builds a new ID type based off an arbitrary counter |
new_global_id_type | Builds a new ID type using a global counter |
new_indexing_id_type | Builds a new ID type based off indexing in to a |
ArcId | Reference-counted pointer that uses pointer identity |
BuiltProgram | |
CompileCtx | Shared context for compilation |
EvalHirCtx | |
EvaluableProgram | |
GenProgramOptions | |
LinkedLibrary | |
PackagePaths | |
SourceFile | |
SourceLoader |
FindArretRootError | |
OutputType | |
SourceText |
emit_diagnostics_to_stderr | Emits a series of diagnostics to standard error |
find_arret_root | Attempts to find the path to Arret root directory |
gen_program | Generates code for the program with the given output type |
initialise_llvm | Initialises LLVM |
print_program_mir | Prints a textual representation of a program’s MIR to to |
program_to_evaluable |